Barry University School of Law, Orlando, Florida
J.D. - 2005
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma
B.B.A. in General Business - 2002
Major: Business Administration
McMurry University, Abilene, Texas
B.S. in Multidisciplinary Studies & General Business - 2001
Major: Education
Bar Admissions
Florida, 2006
U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida, 2013
Choctaw Nation
U.S. Supreme Court
Professional Associations
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), Member, 2012 to Present
Free & Accepted Masons, Life Member, 2009 to Present
ABATE, Life Member, 2012 to Present
National Rifle Association, Life Member
Law Day Pro Bono Honorary Mention, 2007-2014
Fraternities and Sororities
Alpha Phi Omega
Delta Theta Phi
Pro-Bono Activities
Ordained Deacon, 2006 to Present
Teen Court Judge, 2007 to Present
Past Employment
Reed & Archer, LLC, Owner/Managing Partner, 2006 to 2011
U.S. Air Force, Munition System Specialist, 1992 to 2000
Ancillary Business
Will Preparation
Finer Things Woodworking
South Lake Feed
Law Office of Jodi Fisher
Cauthen, Oldham & Associates