Archer Law

Are Prenuptial Agreements Getting More Common?

If you tell someone who is engaged that they should consider a prenuptial agreement, they may just raise their eyes in concern and ask you if you think their marriage is doomed to fail. This is the knee-jerk reaction that a lot of people have, especially in the older generations, when prenups were not all that well accepted.
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Archer Law

Motorcyclists Who Get DUIs Aren’t Usually Drinking and Driving for The First Time

A motorcyclist who gets pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving, and who is then arrested as a result, probably is not driving under the influence for the first time. Researchers have found that most people who do get arrested — and this goes for those driving cars and trucks, as well — have driven while intoxicated many times before that arrest.
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Archer Law

Car Drivers and Motorcycle Riders Face Progressive DUI Penalties

Getting arrested for impaired driving or driving under the influence (DUI) in Florida frequently comes with three significant penalties. You will have to pay a fine if you get convicted. You could potentially face jail time, and you will also have to deal with the suspension of your license because of the DUI charges.
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